Clementine's style was very primitive and childlike.
The students were first asked to analyze 8 different primary source slave quotes in detail. We spent some time in class analyzing these and discussing these. Students then were introduced to Clementine's work and her style and technique were discussed and critiqued with Mrs. Schepker. Students then selected one of the 8 quotes they analyzed that they connected with to then paint--in Clementine's style--on a canvas. They sketched their painting first, then got out the acrylic paint and started replicating her style.
Once students finished their painting, they were given these directions to reflect on their own painting, the quote they selected to illustrate, and Clementine's style. Students used the screencasting feature built in on QuickTime on their laptops to do this video reflection. They then uploaded their reflections to the class YouTube channel--that was how they "turned in" their painting and reflection.
Check out some of their final Clementine Hunter paintings and reflection videos can click here for the entire playlist. I am so proud of these kiddos and how their art integration project turned out!