Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Active Citizen Project

To wrap up our government unit and the second quarter of 8th grade, social studies students completed an Active MRH Citizen Project that was a culmination of everything they've learned in our government unit and putting it into action.  Everything from branches of the government, political processes, jobs of the government, the Constitution and its parts, and much more that we covered in our unit.

Students were given a "menu" of choices that they could choose projects from that they wanted to complete to earn 100 points total.  Students could choose from: letter to a leader, political commercial, political process cartoon (animated or illustrated), political cartoon, editorial/news article, and political process song.

I was blown away by what the students created; I was simply amazed with the songs, cartoons, news articles, and songs the students created!  Below is a sampling of some of the amazing work the students turned in for their projects.  I hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I did!

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